How can SMRs revolutionize industrial decarbonization?

June 25, 2024, 12:04PMNuclear NewsJosé Reyes

José Reyes

Innovations with small modular reactors, which offer a compact, efficient alternative to traditional baseload power plants, are at the forefront of a new era of nuclear energy production that can reshape how we approach industrial decarbonization.

As global energy transition efforts progress, it is essential to examine the potential these advancements hold for reducing carbon emissions. Nuclear energy has long been recognized for its ability to generate vast amounts of electricity without emitting greenhouse gases. The introduction of SMR technology represents a pivotal shift, addressing many previous challenges to nuclear deployment and opening new pathways for the integration of nuclear energy into industrial sectors.

The innovative yet simple design of NuScale’s SMR technology provides a cost-competitive, safe, and scalable solution for a wide range of energy needs.

Authors of SMR study reply to NuScale comments

June 13, 2022, 3:01PMNuclear News

On June 2, Nuclear Newswire published a letter from Jose Reyes, chief technology officer at small modular reactor developer NuScale Power, to May R. Berenbaum, editor-in-chief of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, regarding a research article published by PNAS two days previous. The article, “Nuclear waste from small modular reactors,” has grabbed more than a few headlines for its claim that SMRs will actually generate more nuclear waste than a standard large pressurized water reactor.

NuScale responds to SMR critique

June 2, 2022, 9:30AMNuclear News

A Stanford University–led research article on small modular reactors published Tuesday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is not sitting well with SMR developers or, for that matter, with much of the largely pro-SMR nuclear community.

NuScale unveils Energy Exploration Center at Oregon State

November 30, 2020, 6:55AMNuclear News

NuScale Energy Exploration Center at Oregon State University. Photo: Business Wire

Small modular reactor developer NuScale Power has announced the opening of the NuScale Energy Exploration (E2) Center at Oregon State University (OSU).

The E2 Center is designed to offer users a hands-on learning opportunity to apply nuclear science and engineering principles through simulated, real-world nuclear power plant operation scenarios, according to NuScale on November 17. The center employs state-of-the-art computer modeling within a simulator of the NuScale SMR power plant control room, allowing users to take on the role of control room operator at a 12-unit NuScale SMR plant to learn about the features and functionality unique to the company’s SMR technology.

More to come: The E2 Center at OSU is the first of three planned installations of a NuScale power plant control room simulator at U.S. universities. Support for the centers was provided by a grant in 2019 from the Department of Energy. Additional information on the E2 Center is available here.